Tuesday, April 2, 2024

My Film Opening

 After many days and weeks working on this film opening with my partner Antonio Navas, I have finally finished the opening to the film Mirage.

The Film Opening

This project is by far the biggest project I have ever worked on and I very much enjoyed working on it. It was a very pleasant experience for me and I had so much fun making it. 

My Creative Critical Reflections (CCR)

 These are my CCRs videos for my project. This project has really helped me realize how much I enjoy working on the projects for Aice Media

My First CCR

My Second CCR

Monday, April 1, 2024

The final video (Week 8)

 After the entire spring break to be able to work on the project. I have finally finished the editing the sound and the credits for the video. It took the help of many people along with the help from some websites. I am surprised at how much I was able to learn from this process. 

The songs and music that we got was from a website named Uppbeat. This website provided me and my partner non copy righted music that could be used for the project.  These sounds were very useful in creating the tension in the film and helped with the showing of the genre. They were free as well and super easy to download for the project  

I believe that the most difficult part of the project was figuring out what scenes should stay in and which ones should be cut down. The final project was too long and had to be cut down many different times. After I cut them down I had to decide which ones would stay and which scenes we would keep. 

My Film Opening

 After many days and weeks working on this film opening with my partner Antonio Navas, I have finally finished the opening to the film Mirag...